Today it is still possible to see buildings all over England and in Leiden in the Netherlands dating back to the period when the Mayflower passengers lived there. In many cases these buildings have been altered over the years although elements of them still survive. To get a better...
Articles with the Tag mayflower sailing
Interactive Map of Mayflower Passengers
Interactive Map of Mayflower Passengers The project research commenced in 2017, and as part of this we built an interactive map of where the Mayflower passengers and crew came from before travelling to America. This was an interesting project, especially as Southampton (home to Hampshire Studios!) played such an...
New World Tapestry
Virtual Exhibition The tapestry was on public display until 2008 and is now in the reserves at Bristol City Museum. As there are no current plans to put it on public display, we have created a virtual exhibition. Each of the 24 panels is listed below by year. The...